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Other Kieslers

Autohaus Kiesler

Car sale, specialising on cars by Opel.

Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler

Friedrich Kiesler is a rather well-known Austrian designer and architect, who lived from 1890 to 1965. There's also a Kiesler Competition for architecture being held every year.

Hansi Kiesler

A german singer, who started his carreer in Mallorca. Looks a little bit (actually quite a lot) like Hansi Hinterseer, lives in Austria / Kitzb�hel.

Karin Jabs-Kiesler

Mayor of Osnabr�ck / Germany.

Karl Kiesler

Karl Kiesler is a black smith on the one hand and a gas-shop on the other. And, don't forget about the bikes that are being sold here, too.

Kate Kiesler

Is an Author and Illustrator, born in New Hampshire and raised in Vermont.

Kenneth Kiesler

Director of Orchestras and Professor of Conducting at the School of Music of the University of Michigan.

Kiesler's Campground and RV Resort

A camping park that already exists for 34 years

Kiesler Immobilien

Houses and Flats for Sale and Rent.

Kiesler's Police Supply

Law Enforcement and Military equipment.

Kiesler Racing

German Scootermaster 2003 and 2004. Provides Exhausts and all kind of scooter accessories. Includes Kiesler X-Klusiv and Optikpart's.

Kiesler Tours

For booking all kind of travels, including last minute, club travel, appartments, etc. Also has a guest book.

Kiesler and Berman

Attorneys at Law. Their practice is concentrated in al types of cibil litigation.

Klaus-Peter Kiesler

A Dipl. Finanzwirt. Klaus-Peter Kiesler is accountant in Scheinefeld / Germany.

Max Kiesler

Blog of an award-winning web and interface designer with extensive experience in website development and internet communications.

Newnic Interactive Design

Paul E. Kieslers company, which specialises on online interactive design and is located in Frankfurt am Main / Germany.

Sara Kiesler

Professor of Computer Science and Human-Computer Interaction, Carnegie Mellon University

Thomas W Kiesler, M. D.

Orthopaedian, who specialises on Hand and Upper Extremity. Graduated from Puredue University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering (?).

Thomas Kiesler, Dr.

Chairman of the Computer Science and Technologies Department of the Montgomery Collegy in Maryland.

Last modified 2008-04-29 20:39 by rck